Top Ten Blogs/Sites I Read That AREN’T about Books

Top Ten Tuesday is a feature hosted by the Broke and the Bookish.

So this week’s Top Ten Tuesday is a little different! It’s NOT about books! Let’s see if I can make you interested anyways…

1. Facebook

Seriously, are you surprised? you shouldn’t be. 😛

2. Twitter

Again, no surprise there. I LIVE on my Hootsuite, tracking down book giveaways. I maaaaaay have an addiction to that.

3. YouTube

Not for the reasons you might think! I actually look up more show promos on here than anything else. Last thing I looked up? The new James Bond trailer!

4. Duotrope’s Digest

This is a site for writers, where they can track their submissions to magazines. When I have stories out (which I don’t at this moment) I’m checking it 60 times a day for absolutely no reason.

5. Yahoo! Sports

MY RANGERS ARE IN THE PLAYOFFS! Plus one of the baseball dudes does spectacular MLB power rankings. It’s my homepage, so it’s also the fastest sports access. 😛

6. Television Without Pity

I adore the photo galleries these guys put together. They are absolutely hysterical, even when they’re about shows I like! There are tons more stuff related to TV on there, but I don’t actually look at anything but the photos.

7. Google

Did you know that if you go to Google Maps and ask for walking directions from The Shire to Mordor, Google will tell you that “One cannot simply walk into Mordor”? Seriously, try it out. It’s AWESOME.

8. Big Fish Games

I am slightly obsessed with hidden object adventure games. And time management games. And those games that are hybrids of the two. And– uh, Big Fish just happens to have some fantastic games on it and I get bored sometimes. 😛

9. Netflix

I just recently developed an addiction to Joss Whedon’s Dollhouse. Having finished it in a week, I have decided that the mind of Joss Whedon is a terrifying, confusing place that makes up the best-worst things ever. (BUFFY FOREVER!)

10. Yahoo! Movie Trailers

I have a thing with movie trailers! I am like a movie trailer guru. It is from Yahoo! Movies I learn my wisdom, so you may start there, young grasshopper.

9 thoughts on “Top Ten Blogs/Sites I Read That AREN’T about Books

  1. I really liked that Dollhouse show when it was on. I haven’t visited Big Fish Games but I used to get addicted to them too. The Rangers huh…as long as it’s not the Coyotes. :o)

    • I’m actually really upset it only lasted 2 seasons – they really had to convolute the end. And yes, RANGERS ALL THE WAY! You know, if they can stop sucking like last night. 😛

  2. I loved Dollhouse, although S1 was kind of…eh. I did a big happy dance when I spotted Victor in The Avengers. Good ol’ Joss. You can always trust him to recycle the same awesome actors over and over.

    I live on a bunch of these sites too, although I didn’t list them because I was trying to avoid the obvious. But yes, FB, Twitter, YouTube, Netflix…

    I’m going to go Google directions to Mordor now.

    Thanks for stopping by my TTT!

  3. Myndi stray sock away from insanity. says:

    Completely agree w/ your sentiments about Joss W. Creative genius. Staggeringly so.

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