About the Betwixt the Books Family


You are Here

afterlight-2If you’re here, you’ve already discovered one part of the family – me! My name is Gretchen Hohmeyer, and I’m an English and Writing double major who LOVES YA and that’s what I talk about here! I do reviews, have my own special features, talk about academic stuff sometimes and every once and a while when the wallet allows, I do a giveaway. Thanks for visiting!

Meet my sister blog!

The other founding member of the Betwixt the Books family afterlight3is my dear friend Michaela Raschilla from The Pied Piper Calls. She blogs about books with a more literary taste than myself sometimes, as well as about life and KPop. She and I are also founding members of…

Bibliomancy for Beginners

This video book club is held by us and some of our closest friends, where we get together and talk about books like the nerd that we are. Beginning in the summer of 2013, we now have seasons of the regular channel as well as specials like The 13 Days of Misfortune with Lemony Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events, Nostalgia Junkie and #imbibliomancy, our drunk book club. Check out the Bibliomancy homepage for a list of our videos!

But wait there’s more!

Michaela and I also do our own booktube videos on the YouTube channel The Pied Piper Calls. We participate in tags, do book reviews, and chat about books and book issues that we’re passionate about. Follow us on YouTube to see what’s happening!


7 thoughts on “About the Betwixt the Books Family

  1. What a charm,
    Words that describe harm with harmoney,
    Feelings desribed by substances,
    Wars won on self by being selfish,
    Unspoken provendince speaking in present moments,
    Your words priceless to a true collecter,
    To you we shall forever be in your debt.
    In awe by OneSoberDude!

  2. Hey, thanks for putting together this cool blog. There is so much to talk about with YA books–they’ve really exploded since I was a kid! I also enjoy complex books and am especially pleased when I find a YA book that isn’t written down to a certain level but instead challenges its audience. πŸ™‚

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